
Veröffentlichung 20.11.2023 -

The AAS Dataspace for Everybody An Architecture Example for a Simple Dataspace – purely based on the Asset Administration Shell Concepts



This paper supports the development of a pilot AAS infrastructure for the broad application of administration shells in business practice. ITDA, Faunhofer IESE and NetApp are paving the way for the next level of scaling and application possibilities of administration shells. With these explanations the authors from the task force "Sichere Verwaltungsschale" of Plattform Industrie 4.0, a merger of working groups 1 and 3, are lowering the entry barriers to the digitalization of manufacturing processes. They thus make a contribution to digitalization, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. With the help of the position paper, users can create digital twins of systems, products and processes in order to connect them with Manufacturing-X data rooms, for example.

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