
09.10.2020 -

Web-seminar by the interdisciplinary project group on “Collaborative Condition Monitoring” How cross-company collaboration can generate added value


Beginn: 09.10.2020 - 14:30 Uhr
Ende: 09.10.2020 - 15:30 Uhr
Ort: Online

The interdisciplinary project group on “Collaborative Condition Monitoring” of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 is pleased to invite you to its

„Collaborative data-driven business models Collaborative Condition Monitoring – How cross-company collaboration can generate added value”
09 Oct 2020
2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m., CEST


Through the multilateral exchange of data, an economic advantage for all actors can be generated within the digital ecosystem.
To do this, it is necessary to share data that arises over the entire life cycle in a multilateral collaboration across company and competitive boundaries and to make it accessible to all actors according to clear and fair rules.
Using the example of a production environment , the barriers, challenges and solution modules are discussed in this webinar, but the approaches are also transferable to other industries.
GAIA-X could be an important building block for storing and sharing data multilaterally.


  1. Hypothesis: Cross-company collaboration can generate added value
  2. Background of the interdisciplinary project group
  3. Description of the use case “Collaborative Condition Monitoring”
  4. What are the possibilities of “Collaborative Condition Monitoring”?
  5. What still needs to be worked on?
  6. Q&A
  7. Outlook: How do we proceed?


  • Michael Jochem, Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Klaus Bauer, TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG
  • Stefan Pollmeier, ESR Pollmeier GmbH
  • Bastian Rössl, KI Reallabor / SmartFactoryOWL

We would be delighted to welcome you to the webinar. Please also feel free to forward this invitation to any interested stakeholders. Attendance of the event will be free of charge.

The seminar will take place in English.

Via this Link you can find the documentation of the web-seminar.

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