
Publication 14/11/2019 -

Secure Retrieval of CAE Data


Communication between Industrie 4.0 components is a cornerstone for the further development towards networked, autonomously acting systems. Secure communication is the prerequisite for a standardized and interoperable exchange of information in the engineering process. Requirements are explored in this discussion paper using an application scenario.

Secure Retrieval of CAE Data

This paper identifies the participating stakeholders and formulates their security requirements. Industrie 4.0 concepts that are currently available and in development are analysed on the basis of these security requirements, in order to develop a proposed solution at a higher level of description.
The aim of the discussion and the proposed solution is to give interested parties and those who contribute to the shaping of Industrie 4.0 guidance for its further configuration. The document does not claim to present a complete, detailed solution. It is addressed to the technically interested

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