
Map of Industrie 4.0 use cases

© BMWi

Industrie 4.0 map


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Use cases

The Industrie 4.0 maps have been archived. They are still available here, but will no longer be updated

Many German companies and research establishments have already started to connect their machinery and equipment more closely with IT systems and business models. The Industrie 4.0 map provides an overview of more than 350 practical examples from industry, highlighting Germany’s role as a leader on Industrie 4.0.

The use of digital technologies in industry is promoting the development of a large number of new production methods, business models and products. Production lines are becoming ever more flexible. They are no longer limited to the production of one single product. This also means that the requirements towards manufacturing are changing.

IT support will make it possible to dynamically adapt work stations in the production line to a changing product mix. This means capacity can be used in the best way possible. In addition, the automated analysis processes that are used can provide information about maintenance needs and production downtime risks.

Use cases in Germany and worldwide

Map of Industrie 4.0 use cases


The map shows where Industrie 4.0 applications are already being used in Germany today, with each practical example being represented by a pin.

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Map of the French initiative Industrie du futur


The French initiative Industrie du futur has also already brought together over 150 French best practices (available only in French).

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China Map


Information for German companies or organisations to apply for the Sino-German Pilot Project initiative or for publication at the digital map can be found here.

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Map of the Japanese Robot Revolution Initiative


The English-language map of the Japanese Robot Revolution Initiative so far shows over 150 Japanese use cases.

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Map of the Indian Smart Manufacturing Platform


The map shows more than 50 Industrie 4.0 use cases across India. The examples can be read in English.

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Ausschnitt der Industrie 4.0 Landkarte für die Republik Korea

Republic of Korea

The map gives an overview of Industry 4.0 applications in Republic of Korea. Best practices for setting up smart factories are also shown.

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Easing access for SMEs

The economic strength of Germany depends on the manufacturing SME sector. There are numerous small and medium-sized mechanical and plant engineering companies that are already developing new components for Industrie 4.0. They are looking for realistic, complex and interconnected testbeds where they can test their latest developments in a realistic environment in order to prepare them for production. Likewise, the operators of new digital technologies require appropriate and entry-barrier-free ways to test innovative system approaches and networked business models and bring them to market maturity.


© BMWi/Völkel

Cooperation & coordination

Connecting testbeds

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All testbeds at a glance

Plattform Industrie 4.0’s testbeds map shows the location of the German research and development facilities where Industrie 4.0 applications can be tested [only in German].


Information and support

Navigating the support services landscape

Are you looking for information or support? The map helps you find free-of-charge services near you!

It provides an overview of Länder initiatives, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy’s centres of excellence, regional networks and clusters and the services provided by the business associations.

Orientation and contact

Companies can use the map to find the right non-commercial information and support services in their region and identify contacts who can provide advice. This will help them take the first steps towards implementing Industrie 4.0 solutions in their business [only in German].

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