
Publication 14/04/2018 -

Industrie 4.0 – Implications for competition law


PUBLICATION OF THE PLATFORM - Market demarcation, market power through data sovereignty, antitrust responsibility, permissible cooperation of companies in the area of Industrie 4.0 and platform regulation are topics of this paper.

Cover of the publication "Industrie 4.0 –  Implications for competition law"

The dynamics of the digital markets are creating new (potential) competitors and leading to (competing) companies increasingly cooperating with each other. The data and information exchange is increasing, also through self-learning systems.

These developments raise issues for German and European antitrust law: who can cooperate with whom and under what conditions? What significance does the access to data have for market power and when is there a misuse? Who is responsible for the antitrust-related behavior of self-learning systems?
The experts of the working group on legal framework conditions have addressed these and other points in their new publication. In this summary individual results are highlighted.

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