
Publication 08/07/2019 -

Ambidexterity: Product Development in the NEW


PLATFORM PUBLICATION - In this publication, the Working Group on „Digital Business Models“ demonstrates how leading connected enterprises are honing in on ambidexterity and business model transformation to build organizational culture and achieve Industrie 4.0 objectives; and make recommendations on how organizations can proceed.

Cover of the publication "Ambidexterity"

Companies should focus on exploiting the stability afforded by their core business, while at the same time exploring innovations and experimentation for digital transformation. Ambidexterity requires a new „digital way of doing things“ in an organization’s people, processes and structure. Achieving an organizational culture of ambidexterity is a fundamental accelerator for organizations to pivot to Industrie 4.0, drive quantifiable change, implement agility and achieve long-term business objectives and outcomes at the intersection of human and machine.

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