
Publication 12/05/2021 -

Strategy Paper 2021+ of the Trilateral Cooperation Alliance Industrie du Futur, the National Plan Transition 4.0 and Plattform Industrie 4.0 refine Shared Action Plan


Strategy Paper 2021+

The trilateral cooperation between Alliance Industrie du Futur, the National Plan Transition 4.0 (formerly Impresa 4.0) and Plattform Industrie 4.0 was formed in 2017. Since the adoption of their first Shared Action Plan, the digitalisation of industry has progressed and initiatives and projects have been founded. At the virtual Steering Committee Meeting in April 2021, during the Hanover Fair, the collaborating parties reflected on past achievements and discussed topics of future interest. The Strategy Paper 2021+ summarizes discussions and formulates the way ahead to shape an open, digital ecosystem for the European manufacturing sector.

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