
Publication 09/02/2021 -

AI and Robotics at the Service of Humanity How is AI changing work? How can we use AI to organize work more in line with people's needs? The publication of WG 5 - Work, Education and Training - of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 provides answers.


Topics Work
Cover: 'AI and Reobotics'

How is AI changing work? How can we use AI to organize work more in line with people's needs? How can productivity increases and innovation leaps through AI be combined with people-friendly work? What concrete initiatives are German companies taking to shape the impact of AI on work? These are the questions posed by the 'work, education and training' working group. Expert impulses and practical examples provide answers. They come from different fields on the topic of "AI and robotics in the service of people" and want to advance the exchange on this issue.

The publication follows the working group's guide to "Shaping the digital transformation Within Companies". In the paper, practitioners present examples of applications specific to the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. In this way, impressions of work with AI and robotics are given, companies are offered orientation and motivated to initiate their own activities.

Deutsche Version

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