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Strengthening cooperation in the area of digital transformation and Industry 4.0

India and Germany share an interest in further developing digitalization and artificial intelligence, especially in the industrial sector. As a result, Plattform Industrie 4.0 and the CII Smart Manufacturing Platform are currently expanding their cooperation regarding industry4.0.

Together, the platforms aim to support their networked industry 4.0 ecosystems in their development. Both platforms interlinked their maps, showing concrete industry 4.0 use cases (map of the CII Smart Manufacturing Platform). In the future, they aim to initiate expert exchange on selected topics.


Since the fourth Indo-German Government Consultations in March 2017, both countries agreed their cooperation on industry 4.0. The Hannover Messe 2019 and joint study tours contributed to building direct relations between the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Plattform Industrie 4.0. On the occasion of the fifth Indo-German Government Consultations in November 2019, both countries reinforced the networking between Plattform industry 4.0 and the CII Smart Manufacturing Platform in a joint statement. (English version published by the Government of India here)

In November 2020, the platforms held joint panels on industry 4.0 and digital ecosystems as well as Gaia-X during the 6th CII Smart Manufacturing Summit.