
Publication 27/09/2019 -

Key themes of Industrie 4.0


Research and development needs for successful implementation of Industrie 4.0

Key Themes of Industrie 4.0

Industrie 4.0 is being implemented. Dynamic digital ecosystems emerge. Required key technologies are applied. This carries significant potential for the optimization of existing production routines and processes. However, there are many additional opportunities for the further development of methodological approaches to implement Industrie 4.0 successfully. These changes must be accompanied by socio-technical considerations and the creation of a legal framework.

Based on the current status quo, the Research Council of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 derives research needs in four fields. These include technological, economical, methodological and social/legal topics. The impulses are aimed at politics, research institutions and companies. Thex point out the fields where research and development efforts will have significant impact for a successful implementation of Industrie 4.0 in large and small companies alike - especially when transferred into applications.

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