
Publication 27/05/2021 -

Policy Briefing on MIIT's Green Industrial Design Demonstration Program


The document gives you an overview on the Green Industrial Design Demonstration Program launched by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

The program was introduced in 2019 to promote manufacturers with advanced eco-friendly designs. The application process starts with a yearly application notice from MIIT that includes annual green manufacturing objectives and application materials. Successful applicants are subsequently published on an annual list. The 2021 Notice is the third and latest call for application of the program with a submission deadline until 31st May 2021.

The Briefings gives you an overview on the selection process and the sectors targeted. The relevant new developments in the latest 2021 notice and the connection to the 14th Five Year Plan are explained. It shows how a connection between the program and current policy focus areas can be drawn. Last but not least it lists some of the awarded non-Chinese companies that have been awarded.

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