EU Industry Days Enlarge

© European Commission

The EU Industry Days are an opportunity for stakeholders and citizens from all over Europe to establish a strong dialogue on the future of European industry. The fourth edition of the EU Industry Days will focus on the accelerated twin green and digital transition and the changing global competitive landscape in the post-Covid context. Against this background, it will provide an important input for the update of the EU industrial strategy announced by President von der Leyen.

Taking into account the uncertainties related to COVID-measures, the event will take be organised virtually between 23-26 February 2021. One thing that remains the same, is that the programme will be co-created by the European Commission and industrial stakeholders.

In this context, two calls have been launched:

  • For stakeholder sessions: Industrial stakeholders from all sectors and ecosystems of industry are invited to submit their proposals for organising a session between 24-26 February 2021 part of the EU Industry Days 2021.
  • For EU Industry Week events: In addition, various local events will be organized across Europe, under the brand of the EU Industry Week in January-March 2021.