
Publication 29/03/2021 -

Sustainable production: actively shaping the ecological transformation with Industrie 4.0 Impulse Paper of the Task Force Sustainability


Impulse Paper Sustainable Production

In its 2030 Vision, Germany’s Plattform Industrie 4.0 identifies sustainability as a key field of action. With this in mind, the platform’s Sustainability Task Force has discussed how Industrie 4.0 can contribute to a climate-friendly and resource-efficient future. The initial findings are presented in this impulse paper. Three development paths emerged from the analysis. They are leading towards a digital, networked and sustainable manufacturing industry of the future:

  • Path 1: Reduce consumption, increase impact: towards resource-efficient and carbon neutral, digitalised manufacturing.
  • Path 2: From mass production to transparent service offerings: how a changed value proposition influences digital business models.
  • Path 3: Sharing and networking sustainable digital business means cooperating and operating in circular economic systems.

An analysis comprising over 60 business examples demonstrated that Industrie 4.0 enables ecological sustainability within companies. Selected project and company examples, interviews and excursions illustrate the development paths leading towards a future-orientated, competitive and sustainable industry.

Deutsche Version

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