
Publication 22/02/2018 -

Shared Action Plan Industrie du Futur / Industrie 4.0 / Industria 4.0 in France – Germany – Italy Roadmap for trilateral cooperation on Digitizing the Manufacturing Industry


PLATTFORM PUBLICATION - The key digitising manufacturing initiatives of Germany, France and Italy have agreed on a trilateral cooperation to support and strengthen the digitisation processes of their manufacturing sectors as well as to promote European efforts in this field. German Plattform Industrie 4.0, French Alliance Industrie du Futur and Italian initiative Piano Industria 4.0 have developed a shared action plan with several action items and deliverables.

Cover of the publication "Shared Action Plan Industrie du Futur / Industrie 4.0 / Industria 4.0 in France – Germany – Italy"

The trilateral cooperation focuses on three core subjects of shared interests, which are dealt with in the following three working groups:

  1. Standardisation and reference architectures
  2. SMEs engagement and testbeds
  3. Policy support
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