
Publication 09/12/2020 -

Which criteria do Industrie 4.0 products need to fulfill?


PLATTFORM PUBLICATION – ZVEI and the working group 1 on reference architectures, standards and norms of Plattform Industrie 4.0 have developed general and universal criteria for Industrie 4.0 products. These criteria are described in this guideline.

Cover: Which criteria do Industrie 4.0 products need to fulfil?

Industrie 4.0 is the fully digitalised and networked production approach of the future and it is relentlessly moving into the factories. There is an almost inflationary use of terms such as “IoT Ready”, “RAMI 4.0-compliant” and “Industrie 4.0 seal”. All too often, the services offered define Industrie 4.0 in completely different ways, causing far more confusion than clarity. How can we shed some light onto this mix of terms and offers? What does the customer gain and what is behind the terms and consulting services? This guideline provides clarity for customers, providers and companies and continues and supersedes the yearly updated guildelines since 2015.

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