
Publication 22/04/2017 -

Application scenario in practice: order-controlled production of a customised bicycle handlebar


PLATTFORM PUBLICATION - How do standards, research, security, law, labour and skills interact with each other? This cross-discipline brochure provides the answers.

Cover of the publication "Application scenario in practice: order-controlled production of a customised bicycle handlebar"

For the first time Plattform Industrie 4.0 has combined the various aspects of Industry 4.0 that have been developed in its working groups into one comprehensive overall picture. On the basis of the “ordercontrolled production (OCP)” application scenario, this brochure shows how the various fields standards, research, law, security, labour and skills interplay with each other. It also demonstrates the practical impact of these aspects on companies – especially in the case of SMEs. The focus is on a custom-made and automatically manufactured bicycle handlebar for an E-bike.

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