
Publication 14/04/2021 -

Sustainable Manufacturing Driving a sustainable future by the digitalization of industry and international cooperation


Sustainable Manufacturing

Digital Transformation in manufacturing has great potential to reduce carbon foot-prints of manufacturers, establish sustainable manufacturing processes and provide visibility to the environmental impact of industrial supply chains. Sustainable Manufacturing is a strategic priority of both CESMII and the Plattform Industrie 4.0. Sustainability plays a crucial role in staying competitive in a global economy, both to ensure efficient use of (material) resources and to satisfy increased customer demand for sustainably produced products.
Connected and distributed production needs international efforts driven by the exchange of know-how and experience and ensuring that local solutions are applicable across borders. Reaching the climate goals of the COP 21 Paris Agreement and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require innovation, new technologies and a skilled workforce. These are topics closely linked to the digital transformation of manufacturing.
A common vision of CESMII and Plattform Industrie 4.0 experts is that innovation and education are complementary, especially to increase energy and resource efficiencies, create circular economies, provide opportunities for meaningful work, and introduce new business models. With upskilling programs, digital manufacturing can become environmentally sustainable, protect and create new jobs, and support sustainable economic growth in both Germany and the United States.

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