
Publication 09/03/2022 -

Industrie 4.0 and Sustainability – Ten ways how digital business models foster sustainability in Industrie 4.0 Discussion Paper of the working group „Digital Business Models in Industrie 4.0“


Cover 'Discussion Paper: Industrie 4.0 and Sustainability'

In this paper, the "Digital Business Models" working group (AG6 of the Plattform Industrie 4.0) sets out ten theses on how digital business models promote sustainability in Industrie 4.0. This is because German industry has a special responsibility to shape the transformation to an ecologically and socially sustainable economy. The ongoing digitization and networking of industrial added value at the heart of Industrie 4.0 offer new approaches and opportunities for implementing sustainability.

This thesis paper of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 discusses how digital business models can increase sustainability in Industrie 4.0. We see sustainability as a driver of structural change: Parallel to the digital transformation, we need a "sustainability transformation" of today's business models into new, future-proof approaches.

Deutsche Version

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