
Publication 25/11/2019 -

Details of the Asset Administration Shell - Part 1 The exchange of information between partners in the value chain of Industrie 4.0 (Version 2.0.1)


The publication states how companies can use the Asset Administration Shell to compile and structure information. In this way all information can be shared as a package (set of files) with partners at several levels of the value chain. It is not necessary to provide online access to this data from the very beginning.

Details of the Asset Administration Shell

The publication provides valuable information on the Asset Administration Shell:

  • It describes the information content and serialization formats of an Asset Administration Shell.
  • It specifies a technology-neutral UML model, an XML and JSON schema and mappings for OPC UA, AutomationML and the Resource Description Framework (RDF).
  • It includes a definition of the AASX exchange format, which is used for the secure transmission of Asset Administration Shells.
  • It takes account of security aspects and defines access rights for information stored in the Asset Administration Shell based on the Attributes Based Access Control (ABAC) concept.
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