
Publication 13/06/2019 -

Technology Scenario ‘Artificial Intelligence in Industrie 4.0’


PLATFORM PUBLICATION - The publication discusses the intensity of using AI Technologies. For this, the degree of autonomy of industrial processes is introduced. The publication highlights new opportunities opened up by AI's capabilities.

Cover of the publication Technology Scenario ‘Artificial Intelligence in Industrie 4.0’

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is regarded as an essential driver of innovation and affects the whole society.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the new possibilities opened up by AI's capabilities, as well as the categorization of different levels of autonomous processes within automation. This categorization describes the design possibilities of industrial processes from manual to autonomous processes by AI.

However, it is not intended as evaluation. It allows discussion on the use of AI and provides the basis for future recommendations for action.

Deutsche Version

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