
Publication 27/05/2019 -

Artificial intelligence and law in the context of Industrie 4.0


PUBLICATION OF THE PLATFORM - This publication addresses the question of the extent to which the existing legal norms can be applied to Artificial Intelligence. The Working Group on the Legal Framework highlights which legislative gaps the legislator may have to close.

Cover of the publication "Artificial intelligence and law in the context of Industrie 4.0"

Artificial intelligence has arrived in the present. In more and more areas, intelligent technology relieves or even replaces people. But can the existing legal norms be applied to this new technology? In its paper, the Working Group on the Legal Framework addresses the following issues:

  • artificial intelligence and legal entity,
  • artificial intelligence and data access and protection,
  • liability,
  • AI-generated IP,
  • labor law,
  • IT security and AI.

Deutsche Version

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