
Publication 03/12/2018 -

Conference Report „Securing Global Industrial Value Networks – synchronizing international approaches“


PLATTFORM PUBLICATION - The conference “Global Industrial Value Networks – Synchronizing International Approaches” marked an important milestone addressing these Industrie 4.0 security topics. It featured panels that expanded on issues of global relevance from the need for a trustworthy secure Industrie 4.0 ecosystem, to secure authentication schemes and secure communication technologies

Cover des Reports zur Konferenz „Securing Global Industrial Value Networks – synchronizing international approaches"

At a time when digitalization and new industrial business models are rapidly changing value networks across sectors, companies and borders Industrial IT Security is high on a global agenda. Connectivity and dataexchange across borders have the potential to foster strong and sustainable growth for the global economy. At the same time companies initiating cross-company cooperation within international value networks are facing challenges like complex security mechanisms, differences in security infrastructure and varying national regulatory approaches

The exchange between partners at the conference contributed to more transparency on national objectives the various regulatory frameworks and related instruments. Plattforim Industrie 4.0 much appreciated to learn about frameworks and ideas from representatives from Japan, China, the U.S. as well as France and Italy and the EU.

Read more in this conference report!

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