
Veröffentlichung 30.05.2022 -

IIoT Value Chain Security – Chain of Trust for Organizations and Products German-Japanese Cooperation



Cover IIoT Value Chain Security

A supply chain typically consists of many entities contributing with their components and services to make a product available for the end user. A product goes through several processes, including integration of components, testing, certification, etc., before it reaches the end user. Supply chain actors have their own processes and may record information about their contribution in a similar or a very different manner. It is also quite cumbersome for the end user to find out the exact information about the product inhand and to confirm if the product meets its expectations.

The aim of this activity is to provide support to such manufacturers so that they can find trustworthy components easily and can establish ad-hoc trustworthy relationships with operator(s)/customer(s)/end user(s).

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