
Veröffentlichung 13.04.2021 -

Functional View of the Asset Administration Shell in an Industrie 4.0 System Environment Discussion Paper


Functional View of the Asset Administration Shell

One of the key concepts of the initiative Industrie 4.0 is the Asset Administration Shell (AAS). First implementations of the AAS and mappings to various technologies are available. Nevertheless, a comprehen-sive view from a functional point of view that also includes the whole system environment into is still missing.

On the one hand, this is necessary such that a broad community may better understand the objectives of this concept and is there-fore able to generate benefits from its us-age. On the other hand, it is fundamentally and systematically required in order to ana-lyze and conceptualize non-functional re-quirements such as IT security and privacy, following the “security by design” and “pri-vacy by design” principles.
This document was developed from De-cember 2019 to April 2021 by sub working group “Infrastructure of the Asset Admin-istration Shell” and reviewed by sub working group “Asset Administration Shell” of Plat-form Industrie 4.0 working group “Reference Architectures, Standards and Norms“.
It extends the Usage View of an Administra-tion Shell document with a corresponding Functional View.
The Editors would like to thank all partici-pants in the discussions to develop and re-view this document.

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