
Veröffentlichung 15.12.2020 -

GIZ Industrie 4.0 Project – Policy Briefing on Cross-Border Data Transfer Piloting – focus on Hainan Free Trade Port


This Policy Briefing from the Sino-German I4.0 project gives some background on the Cross-Border Data Transfer Piloting in different Pilot Zones. We give a brief overview of the current regulatory framework and explain the piloting approach as a supportive tool for future regulation. The Briefing takes a closer look at the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP) and examines the current status and implementation plan for this special zone in China’s south. In the recommendations we outline possible opportunities for the industry to get involved as well as the details that still needs to be clarified. In the Annex you find more information regarding other selected pilot zones in China focusing on Cross-Border Data Transfer.

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